age 1998- 11
2008- 21
1998- Danny Boy
2008- 'D' boy
residence1998- Tampines
2008- Tampines
hairstyle 1998- School Boy
2008- Bad Boy
fav tv show1998- channel 8 drama
2008- Man Vs Wild
interest outside bmx
1998- Soccer
2008- Music,petrol head
1998- Imitation Kuwahara, Haro Supra
2008- Seshin Shithawk V2
fav trick
1998- manual
2008- Barspin
1998- Chain hops
2008- Front flip
prized possession1998- My Bmx Bike
2008- Everything Around Me
fav rider1998- Bam Bam
2008- Bam Bam Bin Mamood
prefered terrain1998- Street
2008- Street
school 1998- Red Swastika School
2008- Republic Polytechnic
riding partners
1998- The good old sun plaza guys
2008- Adrian, sean , moses, Tampines and Bedok Guys
goals1998- Do tailwhips
2008- Do tailwhips
1998- Punk Rock , Street stuffs
2008- All rad Music, street stuffs
1998- smoking
2008- Smoking Drinking
fav music1998- Rage Against the Machine
2008- RAge Against the Machine
biggest pet peeve
1998- I hate Cockroaches
2008- I hate Cockroaches
goals1998- Ride Well
2008- Live Well